Targeting C# from program of ATS-Postiats

I am working on generating C# code from the second layer of the syntax tree of ATS-Postiats. The following includes some lessons I’ve learned and corresponding design decision I’ve made.

Convertion of types

Since C# supports powerful generic types, it feels so natural to try to translate the polymorphic types in ATS into generic types in C#. The following is the ATS code from which I want to generate C# code.

extern val p: ptr

fun foo1 {a:type} (x: (int, a)): int = x.0

fun test_foo1 (): void = let
  val x = foo1 ((0, p))

fun foo2 {a,b:type} (f: a -> b): int = 42

fun foo3 (): ptr -> ptr = let
  fun foo4 (x: ptr): ptr = x

fun test_foo2 (): void = let
  val f = foo3 ()
  val x = foo2 (f)

/* ************ ************ */

fun foo5 (f: {a:type} a -> a): ptr = let
  val r = f (p)

In ATS, tuple, record and function types have no names, and their equality is based on their content. In C#, all types must have names including structure, class, and delegate. Therefore I have to translate ATS code into C# code in the way shown in the sample code below. That is to create very general generic types in C# for tuple and functions types in ATS. It seems that there’s no better way around this except the usage of Object type every where. Since I want to avoid ugly type casting, I plot to generate the code as follows

public class Ptr {};

 * Tuple type must have name.
public class Tuple2<T1, T2> {
    public T1 m1;
    public T2 m2;
    public Tuple2(T1 t1, T2 t2) {
        m1 = t1;
        m2 = t2;

 * Function type must have name.
public delegate T2 Foo1<T1, T2>(T1 x);

public class Code {

    static public Ptr p = new Ptr();

    static public int foo1<T1>(Tuple2<int, T1> x) {
        return x.m1;

    static public void test_foo1() {
        var x = foo1(new Tuple2<int, Ptr>(0, p));

    static public int foo2<T1, T2>(Foo1<T1, T2> f) {
        return 42;

    static public Foo1<Ptr, Ptr> foo3() {
        return foo4;

    static public Ptr foo4(Ptr x) {
        return x;

    static public void test_foo2() {
        var f = foo3();
        int x = foo2(f);

    /* ******** ********* */

    // C# doesn't allow this.
    // static public Ptr foo5(Foo1 f) {
    //     var r = f(p);
    //     return r;
    // }

    static public void Main() {

The code above compiles when function foo5 commented out. The reason I have to comment out foo5 goes as follows. In ATS, polymorphic function is of first class. (Object of polymorphic function type can be passed around. E.g. foo5 takes one as input argument.) In C#, no object can be of open generic type (including generic delegate). Therefore the function “foo5” in ATS cannot be simply translated into a generic delegate of C#.

Therefore I choose to use Object type in C# to represent type parameter of polymorphic type in ATS. But this is still not good. Such candidate in C# is shown below.

using System;

public class Ptr {};

 * Tuple type must have name.
public class Tuple2<T1, T2> {
    public T1 m1;
    public T2 m2;
    public Tuple2(T1 t1, T2 t2) {
        m1 = t1;
        m2 = t2;

 * Function type mush have name.
public delegate T Foo1<T>(T x);

public class Code {

    static public Ptr p = new Ptr();

    static public int foo1(Tuple2<int, Object> x) {
        return x.m1;

    static public void test_foo1() {
        var x = foo1(new Tuple2<int, Object>(0, p));

    static public int foo2(Foo1<Object> f) {
        return 42;

    static public Foo1<Ptr> foo3() {
        return foo4;

    static public Ptr foo4(Ptr x) {
        return x;

    static public void test_foo2() {
        var f = foo3();
        int x = foo2((Foo1<Object>)(Object)f);

    static public Ptr foo5(Foo1<Object> f) {
        var r = f(p);
        return (Ptr)r;

    static public void Main() {

Due to aforementioned decision, I have to give foo2 the type Foo1<Object> as shown above. Then to make test_foo2 compilable, I have to cast f to Object, then to FOO1<Object>. Also I have to use cast again in foo5. Such heavy usage of casting contradicts my original idea of relying on the generic type system of C#.

Therefore I simply choose to turn all the boxed types into Object and add proper type conversion whenever deemed necessary. (E.g. getting member of a tuple, invoking via a function pointer.) This is also the convention when generating C code from ATS program. The difference is that in C we rely on void * instead of Object. A hand written candidate is shown below.

using System;

 * Tuple type must have name.
public class Tuple2<T1, T2> {
    public T1 m1;
    public T2 m2;
    private Tuple2(T1 t1, T2 t2) {
        m1 = t1;
        m2 = t2;
    static public Object create(T1 t1, T2 t2) {
        return new Tuple2<T1, T2>(t1, t2);

 * Function type mush have name.
public delegate Object Foo1(Object x);

public class Code {

    static public Object p = new Object();

    static public int foo1(Object x) {
        return ((Tuple2<int, Object>)x).m1;

    static public void test_foo1() {
        var x = foo1(Tuple2<int, Object>.create(0, p));

    static public int foo2(Foo1 f) {
        return 42;

    static public Foo1 foo3() {
        return foo4;

    static public Object foo4(Object x) {
        return x;

    static public void test_foo2() {
        var f = foo3();
        int x = foo2(f);

    static public void Main() {

In my implementation of C# code generator, I track the usage of all the tuples and records, define corresponding generic types for them. And I track all the function definitions, define corresponding delegate types for them.